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Nakgangmulgil Park
  • Address
    423, Sanga-dong, Andong-si
  • Phone
  • Opening hours
    Any time
  • Admission fee
  • Parking
Photo Gallery
01 / 13
  • Public transportation: Bus route 3

Nakgang Waterway Park was established to the left of the Andong Dam Hydro Power Plant entrance to provide comfortable rest and healing places for visitors with a forest trail and garden that suits the nearby waterside environment. As it is located near the urban area of Andong city, it has excellent access. There are metasequoia trees and fir trees alongside a small pond, and over the pond, a stone bridge and a trail make harmony to present an exotic scenery. Further, benches placed everywhere under a tree are welcoming Andong residents and visitors as a resting place. In addition, walkways surround Andong Dam and the waterway that leads to Weolyeong Park, providing the best walkway for the everyday resort.